Ballygunnertemple The megalithic structure at Ballygunnertemple is believed to be the remains of a megalithic cist. Cists are small stone built chambers used to hold the dead. All that remains here are two parallel side stones with a displaced lintel/capstone leaning against them. To the southwest two other stones are to be seen protruding from the undergrowth. These are thought to be part of a second cist. Cists are usually asscociated with other monuments like cairns or barrows, just to east of the main cist is a small mound. These structures are on private ground so please ask if you wish to view them, but to be honest I would not recommend a visit as the site is badly overgrown. |
Situated: From Waterford City take the R683 east for Passage East. After about 1.5K keep left at the roundabout. Then 4.2K veer left at Passage Cross Service Station. The monument is in a private garden about 150 metres down here on the right. on your right. Discovery Map 75. S 6532 0956. Last visit April 2015. Longitude: 7° 2' 37" W Latitude: 52° 14' 3" N Photos: Jim Dempsey. |