
Rock Art and Cross slabs

Situated on a bend in the road, the cemetery at Bobsville would not look out of place on a Hollywood film set. All the gravestones are set into a large mound about 40 metres in diameter. The mound resembles a passage grave and as I walked around it there appeared be some cairn material towards the north east of the mound. There are other features at this site that suggest it may have been a very sacred site for many centuries. Located across the road from the graveyard is a holy well and in the gaveyard are the remains of some early cross slabs. If you do visit the well please be careful, it is located right on the bend in the road.

One of the most interesting features at the site is the large standing stone pictured below. The stone is about two metres in length and decorated with well over forty cupmarks. The stone has the appearance of a kerbstone and may have been part of a passage tomb. Lying against the back wall of the cemetery is another large broken stone.

Cross slabs

This is believed to be the site of an early monastery founded by St Caomhán Breac. Embeded into the interior wall of he graveyard are six early cross slabs. The tallest slab, pictured in the image below, bears an incised ringed cross with T-shaped terminals. An inscription reads: OR DO above the ring and SOM SA below. To the right is a broken solid wheel cross. Another slab, pictured bottom right, bears a ringed cross with double incised lines. An inscription reading from bottom up reads: OR DO, there are two ineligible more letters above the arm. Also present in the graveyard is the medieval altar tomb of Oliver Plunkett (d.1581) and his wife Elizabeth (d.1995).

Situated: From Kells drive north on the N3, take the R163 signposted Oldcastle, after approximately 8K take a left at the fork for Crossakeel, drive through the village and take the first left for Drumone, after 2K you will come to a sharp bend the cemetery is situated on your right.

Discovery OS Map 42. N 6143 7439. Last visit Oct 2006.

Longitude: 7° 4' 10" W

Latitude: 53° 42' 56" N

Google Map.

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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