
Medieval Church

St Catherine's Church stands approximately 100 metres to the SSW of the Castle. We know from ecclesiastical records that the church is earlier than the 13th century, but was in ruin by 1641. Only the south and west walls survive. There is a pointed doorway in the south wall and a pointed window in the west gable with hood moulding. A round headed doorway in the interior of the south wall leads to a barrel-vaulted chamber that extends from the south wall. There is a blocked passage in the floor leading to a burial vault. A font in St Oliver's Church in Navan was originally at St Catherines.

Situated: From Navan take the N51 for Slane. After 4.2K take a right turn down Dunmoe lane. Park at the bend at the bottom and take the small track to the right of the house. There is a style on your left leading to the church and castle.

Discovery Map 42. N 9004 7022. Last visit May 2017.

Longitude: 6° 38' 15" W

Latitude: 53° 40' 26" N

Google Map.

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

South doorway

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