

Tower House

Carrikkildavnet or Kildavnet Castle is an early 15th century, four storey, tower house built by the O'Malley Clan. The castle is associated with the legendary 16th century Pirate Queen, Grace O'Malley/Granuaile. The tower house stands on the east coast of Achill Island, overlooking Achill Sound. The north, south and west walls are protected by a machicolation at roof level. At the south-west corner are the remains of a round flanking tower, see image above. Access is through a pointed doorway in the north wall. There is a vault above the first floor, but sadly there is no access to the upper floors, the views must be stunning from the top.

The castle has a large number of defensive loops with larger windows at the upper levels. Below some of the windows slop stones are clearly visible, these were used as urinals. Shown above left, is the exit for the garderobe chute. The castle is about 250 metres south of St Dympna's Church. Dympna/Davnet was a 7th century saint from whom the area derived the name Carrickkildavnet.

Situated: On the south-east coast of Achill Island. Follow the Atlantic Drive along the coastline. Park at the pier south of the castle.

Discovery Map 30: L 2705 9414. Last visit May 2017.

Longitude: 9° 56' 45" W

Latitude: 53° 52' 51" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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