Killinagh Bullaun Stone

AKA St Brigid's Stones

Bullauns are hollow depressions carved out from rocks, these stones predate the christian period and the bullauns are similar to the cup marks we see on prehistoric rock art. The stones are now generally associated with christian sites as this is where you find most of them today. This huge multi-bullaun stone is really quite amazing it still has the cursing stones nestled in each socket. These cursing stones are also known as curing stones or turn stones, as you make your curse you turn the stone in it's socket. This stone has sixteen bullauns. The stone sits at the bottom of a field on the southern shores of Lough Macnean upper.

Close by the bullaun stone is a holy well also associated with St Brigid "Tobarbride" it is now hidden amongst trees. Also present is the medieval church at Killinagh with its small cemetery. Another fine example of this type of bullaun is the one in Feaghna, Couny Kerry known as the rolls of butter.

Situated: Approximately 2 kilometres west of Blacklion on the N16. From Blacklion travel west for 2 kilometres, on the right hand side is a sign pointing to Killinagh old cemetery, walk to the bottom of this field to the church.

Discovery Map 26: H 0593 3800. Last visit April 2007.

Longitude: 7° 54' 32" W

Latitude: 54° 17' 26" N

Google Map.

Photos: Jim Dempsey

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