Temple Mary

St Mary's Church

This plain thirteenth century church is thought to have been built using blocks of stone from an earlier church. This is the only church of the five here at Kilmacduagh that is on the eastern sde of the road. The church has a doorway on the southern side and a single narrow light in the eastern gable. From what we could see from the exterior there were no carvings or ornamental work present at this building. It is also known as Our Lady's Church. Access is available with a key from the Tower View B and B.

Situated: From Gort in Galway head southwest on the R460 for 6 kilometres. On the opposite side of the road to the round Tower.

Discovery Map 52: M 4052 0014. Last visit April 2012.

Longitude: 8° 53' 13" W

Latitude: 53° 2' 55" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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