St Colmcille's Well

Tobar Naomh Cholmcille

About 400 metres west of the monastic site at Kells is this holy well dedicated, as you might expect, to St Colmcille. A delightful track meanders its way down to the well. A Pattern/Patron day is held here each year on the day of St Colmcilles death, the 9th June. A popular Patronal ceremony takes place on the eve of Pattern day. In 1007 AD the Book of Kells was stolen from the monastery and was found shortly after, minus the precious metal and be-jeweled cover, in one of the fields near the well. The field is known as Crag Murray (Flat swamp).

No trip to Kells would be complete without taking the small trek to this ancient well. It was restored to its oldest known layout by the Kells Archaeological Society in 2011.

Situated: From the round tower in Kells head west onto the R163. After 400 metres in total you will come to a metal gateway on your left. Follow the track down to the well.

Discovery Map 42: N 7340 7577. Last visit July 2013.

Longitude: 6° 53' 16" W

Latitude: 53° 43' 35" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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