
St Maelruan's Church

St Máel Ruain was an 8th century Irish monk, he is credited as the founder and abbot of the monastery of Tallaght. He is also believed to have drawn up the rule for the Culdee/Céile Dé in Tallaght. Óengus the Culdee was a member of the community under him. There are no remains from the early monastery, but the circular shape of the present graveyard may indicate the the boundary of the original enclosure. The present St Máelruain's Church, built in 1829, incorporates a medieval tower at the south west. This tower served as a belfry for the medieval church and is still used as such. I presume it may also have served as a watchtower or fortified residence.

Pictured above are, a window and entrance to the medieval tower, and to the right, a pointed window, inserted later.

Situated: From the N81 take the turn for Tallaght village. Go straight through at the traffic lights. St Maelruan's Church is at the next bend, on your left.

Discovery Map 50: O 0902 2778. Last visit Jan 2018.

Longitude: 6° 21' 54" W

Latitude: 53° 17' 21" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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