Southeast bartizan

Taghmon Tower House

The earliest reference to the castle is from the 15th century when the Talbots were in residence and in 1548 when William Hore of Harperstown was granted the castle and some land. The fine rectangular tower house stands four storeys high and is complete to the wall walk. The now permanently sealed entrance in the east wall was protected by a machicolation, a portcullis and a murder hole. There are the remains of bartizans at the NW and SE corners of the tower. There was a vault above the ground floor with a garderobe above the southwest corner. The granite quoins, and gun loops are a superb feature of the structure. The image above was taken at the southwest corner.

South wall with chimney flue and bartizan

West window

Situated: Taghmon Tower House is situated in the heart of Taghmon behind Tom Fox's Service Station, opposite St Munn's Church.

Discovery Map 77: S 9179 1981. Last visit Mar 2014.

Longitude: 6° 39' 13" W

Latitude: 52° 19' 21" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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