Tobar Bhride

Holy Well

This gorgeous little well is situated in a small amenity park in the heart of Myshall Village. We were delighted to see this ancient well in springtime with the daffodils in full bloom. The well is situated behind a small shrine dedicated to St Bridget. (see Tobar Bride ). The well is fed from a spring that is situated in the small graveyard next to the park. There are three steps leading down to the water, but there is no history of any cures or pilgrimages taking place here. Traditionally a sheep fair and patron or pattern day was held here on the 14th September. The sheep fair finished in the 1960's. We have very little information on the history of either this well or St Finian's church in the graveyard. But with the presence of the ancient looking bullaun in the graveyard and this well, we can only assume that this has long been a sacred place.

The shrine

The well

Situated: Very Easy. Situated in the small park next to the graveyard in the centre of Myshall village. Ample car-parking.

Discovery Map 61: S 824 600. Last visit March 2011.

Longitude: 6° 46' 50" W.

Latitude: 52° 41' 6" N. 

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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